cos I forgotten to add his name in the previous post xDDD
Yesterday, I went to buggis to buy presents!
Yesterday, I went to buggis to buy presents!
and I met the coolest saleman on Earth!
funny guy xD
Then I went to Darren's place for "post-x'mas" thing
Then I went to Darren's place for "post-x'mas" thing
and played Mahjong which piss me off
cos Jolene kept winning even though she said she didn't noe how to play!

Around 11pm, we start our night-cycling journey!
2 double bikes and 3 single bikes! =]
We ride all the way to Changi
Around 11pm, we start our night-cycling journey!
2 double bikes and 3 single bikes! =]
We ride all the way to Changi
and right beside the runway!
It was so cool
Felt like I was flying!!
Anw, we conclude that SG Airline is the best cos it made the least noise!
We got stopped over by the police on the way back
We got stopped over by the police on the way back
and that dude seem to be more excited that Andrew comes from Japan
than I was from Australia! discriminating, i must say!
After cycling till 4am, we had Maccas breakfast!!! =DD
Yummy hotcakes!
Reach around 6am and then talk till 8am
then fell asleep on his couch cos the guys were talking nonsense which I didn't get
woke up around 10+ and went home!
I slept from 12pm to 4pm!
Feels kind of wierd
Feels kind of wierd
I'm confused with the time span now!
This is why chao's reverse sleeping theory don't works
because you start to think you gain extra hours
but really you don't xD
but really you don't xD
I think I gain alot of muscle from 5 hours of cycling!
27th dec :
Went out with gy!! watch Ip Man
27th dec :
Went out with gy!! watch Ip Man
The most awesome movie ever!!
hahah, had loads of fun!
He's like my big brother!
Whom I tell my problems and stuff! =]
hope he's always happy!!
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