I should really be sleeping soon since it's going to be 2am soon xD
and I have school tomo...which I really dread going
I miss SG so much already and I'm dying to go back next year
It's perhaps more of the people I miss that gives me this homesick feeling
Still, I can't wait for school tomo cos I will meet my friends and wear my RED jumper!!!
Ahhh, the feeling of superior and the privileges it gives you!
The first impression when I reach at my home ytd was
"Wow, this is so white and bare"
My grandma's house is kinda of redish and orangy
with loads of random stuff everywhere...
Well, my room is still messy...
ooh, and I miss my toys alot
I'm going to introduce new friends to them =D
Koala from yj
Kiss-e bear from C
and my personal "garh" toy =]
Anw, Thanks to the people who send me off!
and all the presents on that day! =]
I already started using the jumper A n D gave today

My vv COOL n AWESOME cousin =]=]
Oh, thanks for the bagg!

Oh yea, special thanks to J for the "thumb"
Virus infected my computer and I needed a thumbdrive to save my stuff
which my Dad promised to buy for me tomo!
Anw, I was clearing my bag today and I opened J's present which was IT!
I was kinda of shocked cos I needed it soo badly!
And when I open it, I m vv vv thankful for the pics and the audios!!
Yea, ur my new best friend now Haha!
Oh and TC of my cousin =]

My cousin which I haven't met for soooooo long
and he grew so darn tall =.-
Anw, thanks for the card tricks! =]
The nite before I flew...

Nice photography skills yeah =]
A scene of a quiet road at 3am...

And a vv "sad" friend who knows I was leaving in less than 20 hours
had a great chat and I still have so much more things to say to you...
but I will leave it to next time we meet too
Hope by that time, we're both be who we wanna be =]
Anw, I m sincerely touched by the thing you said!
3rd Day of CNY....
Went for a movie "marathon"
Watched "Love Matters" with C first..
then "Ink Heart" with C n B
then "The Wedding" with B
It was kinda of crazy cos we just got out of the cinema and bought another ticket >.<
Anw, I enjoyed this day quite alot!
2nd day of Chink new year...
Went to a family friend house then to D's house and played poker =]
Went to cousin's place and played pool
and omosh, my newphew is sooo cute!
He's so obedient and doesn't make alot of noises!
My fave...cos I only have 1! hahah!

Chink New Year
Went to my aunt house and then played poker with my cousins
My dad's side is crazy man
We're playing with cents at first
then when my uncle and dad came..
They chucked $5 then $50...
Anw, went back to my grandma's house and gamble again xD