Saturday, October 10, 2009

Did you say Roo?

I'm using the "new" version for posting!
I'm not even sure whether it's new or old as a matter of fact
but if it's old, I blame you bloggers who didn't share me such good news xD
If you didn't know, well now you do!

Anw, the best thing about this is there's a undo n redo button
so if you accidentally backspace/delete something like I ALWAYS do!
and start cursing the freakin computer
well, you're saved

Anw, A forced me to write something about him
which got me stumbled for a while

until he said this:

have coffee with me sometime
take a break from studyin

So if you look at the picture above
which I meant to show you my new posting gadgets xD
I'm officially describing A exactly the opposite way
He's random and cool

He freaks his sashimi out
and drink soysauce from fishtube
and likes wasabi b/c they're "hot" *wink*


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