Hmmm, it's beben a while since I blog xD
so lemme see what I've been up to for the past few days =)
Went to G n F's house on Thurs nite
watch TV the whole time
grey's anatomy was sooo depressing
and private practice was like w-t-h
that chick is pregnant at age 12 0.o
fell asleep when scrubs came on
I hardly fall asleep when I'm at friend's place
but anw, I did =.=
Got my dress and shoes on Friday
at Knox =)
Then, played pool with J and C
and mahjong at B's hse
Played pool again on Sat with F,P,J
Anw, went guys shopping after that
and C came to join us to get his shirt for the formal
J and M came to crash my house today
during church break
while I was taking my nap
and yay, M is going to korea in 2 weeks
so I won't have to see her face for a month
gonna miss that kid...maybeee
have to catch up with S cos he's going for good x]
Anw, did I mention I crash my dad's car into the pole
and yeah, the feeling sucks
it's worst than breaking my grandmum's walking stick when I was 10
oh great...