Tuesday, January 5, 2010

let's throw 2009 behind us for a better year ahead

I haven't really had the time to blog about anything really.
I just been living life the way it is without much thoughts to my future
So now that I have time feeling abit lonely at home

I shall blog about my 2009!
and btw, I read my old post from dec 2008 to jan 2009
and I would like to think that I had hell alot of fun last year when I was in sg!
Where are all my friends damn it.

This year....

I survived VCE
I plan to study my arse off at the start of the year but obviously, my motivation level went down the drain and the only thing when VCE cross my mind was SCREW IT. But turns out vce was pretty alright even though not much effort was put in so I was one lucky bum. Unfortunately no one can be lucky twice so slogging in uni is a must.

I had an awesome group of friends from outside school

thanks to the relationship problems they were facing, our friendship grew as a group and bam, we're one happy family. Perhaps, it was a blessing in disguise.

I lost someone that I thought I would never lose.
I rmb saying I prob can't life without you. But I guess this just shows how much things can change yeah? Alot of things happened and sometimes it seems like I can't fully let it go. But it's just abit too late now.There're just a space inbetween and nothing can ever fill it up again, besides those painful memories.

I found Church

I felt that my spiritual life was renewed once again and I met alot of lovely people there whom I enjoy being with. Though church can be so long, Im glad I learn so much. I rmb going there the day after valentines and I believe so it was for a purpose.

I met you.
and I'm not even sure whether to say it's a blessing or a curse yet.

yet all in all, I m so blessed that my friends are always there for me.
I can be the most annoying and self-deluded girl sometimes but they always never fail to listen
and I thank them for always watching over me, making sure that I don't fall. And if I did, they will reach out for my hands and bring me back to my feet.
I love you peeps.

so my 2009 was pretty cool

what would you say about ur 2009?

1 comment:

  1. how great is 2010 gonna be?! lets expect more will come to us!!! Cheers! Future is ours! :D
