darn it!! cos i want it so badly =)
Anw, I just finished watching this drama
and omosh, almost everyone dies in the end!!
oh well, it's still good anw
i'm bad
Mish says:
Mish says:
what happen?
M says:
got kicked out of school
eik, and guess what it's for?
but oh well, I'm glad to know he's alrite
I just hope he starts working hard now
sms from A totally made my day =)
Life's good, they say?
Nothing seems to be provoking my thoughts lately...
Oh wait, there is one....
after Church on Sat...
Being year 12 just seems to be like a dream
I brought all my hopes and desires into this new year
but thing hasn't been going my way
I lost motivation to study but most importantly,
my perspective towards studies has changed
I felt that year 12 is over-rated
and yes, to a certain extent, it's and has been for the past numerous years
and up to till now, I still do believe that people put way too much importance in it
why should your life be determined by some crappy cert?
because of society, everyone has come to believe that if they did crap for VCE
their lives would be over and it's the end of it (maybe not till death or anything)
because of the fear instilled in us, everyone strives their hardest
(I'm not saying this is bad, infact, it's good) but everyone starts competing with each other
and I'm not afraid to say that I do too
What's an ugly world we have to face at year 12 already?
ANW, now for the happy stuff...
So, I haven't been putting any effort into my studies at all
I bring this can't-be-bothered feeling to school all the time
but after sat, this statement "You should bloom where you're planted"
really hit me...
I guess I can't do much in my life now
besides being a year 12 student
soo, the only thing I can do is do my very best for VCE yeah?
Hope this post be a reminder for me to put my focus on right things
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