it was really sad tho
cos M and I saw Shrek at the backstage
having breathing difficulties
and everyone was fanning him >.<
For the past few days,
I either got ditched, hit, pushed, or insulted
Alright, lemme give you some instances...
1. H chucked chocolates at my head
2. H and S totally ditch me and tink that I do not exist at all
3. J innocently thinks I weigh 45kg 0.O
which is a total insult b/c I weigh XX kg more than that
4. H says I smell like a fish
5. J starts bagging abt my ridiculously cool soccer skills
where I can hit the ball in my own face
(my nose still hurts okay!)
6. B and C pushes me all the time and I even trip once
7. C hit me on my wrist
and my veins were popping out
There's still LOADS more
and I can go on forever...
but I shall go reflect on why this happens
and obviously, people will start saying:
"Mish, I tink you need to treat people better..
like the way you wanna be treated"
But anw, let me say this
I love all my friends =)
Oh, and get ready for pictures tomo or the day after
b/c we're organising a girl's outing!
Anw, What should I put on my jumper?
Random ones that people has suggested:
1. Tham and Cheese 0.O
(how lame can J be)
2. Mish' Match
(copycat M)
hmm, I shall spend my time tinking of names now!
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