Saturday, September 26, 2009

bluhh bluhh

I finally put in my Vtac preference after such a long time!!
whheee, didn't really put much effort in it

"Ahh, sound good..watever, just put it in!"

Sooo now I leave it to God's hand
sooo, wateva happens...happens

Btw, I put Secondary Education as my 3rd preference!
Wow, does mish really wants to be a teacher?
Hmmm, I don't know!!

Spent my morning in school ytd
for stupid french...
then went shopping with J during lunch

It was quite funny cos we went to David Jones
and I saw this top and it was 15 bucks
I was like WOah, it's hot and cheap
Then we return to look at it again
and it was 45 bucks xD
Then, we realise...the belt beside it was 15

to buy dresses and shoes =)

Then spent my evening with A,C,F,N,P?
can't believe I....
-shall not mention-

First week of holiday passed soooo quicky!!
Is everyone like w-t-h?
or isit just me...


  1. ahahhahahahahahahahahaa ddduuuuuuuped 15 dollars xD

    nope, just u im afraid. me: WWTTTTFFFFFFFFFF

  2. cannot believe what??! lol
    I cannot believe i went home at 3:30 in the morning.....
    And SAINTS lost........... OMG! My world shattered... Nah, kidding!! LOL! Study hard dear, not much time for us to waste....

  3. Rofl, thanks Mj...
    well, at least ur WTF expression makes me feel less stressful >.<

    Pschhhh much for studying huh xDD
