Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I ain't superwoman; my world is as delicate as yours

I wish someone provoked me
so I am able to write on this blog...
and vent some anger

but nope!
It's either people are extremely nice these days
or maybe, I'm more tolerant =)

I like the second point I made
and I tink it makes more sense...
I mean, who can be bothered being nice these days anyway...

I can't.

I should though.
I should be more caring
I should learn to understand others
I should really be compassionate and nice
I should be more interested and concern for others
I should put myself in others' shoes and see from their view

but sometimes, I just lost that energy
I feel so emotionally drained-out
I don't wanna care anymore
It's not like I'm strong or anything, you know

I just a girl, still searching for who I really am
still searching for a future
got enough load on my hands

Upon saying these, I don't think I can ever just leave my goodfs/bestf in a lurch
if their world fall apart..
It would simply break me into pieces

But at the same time, I ain't superwoman
and if there're nothing else I can do...
what else do you expect of me?

Hmmm, I m clueless


  1. ey, what the hell happened (made you think about this huh)??! vent some anger?!--- Ill open my arms and let you hit as hard as you want onto my *buff* chest(dw it wont hurt me AT ALL!) if that makes you vent your anger. But whats the point of being angry at the first place --- you only hurt yourself after all! So please dont.... >!<
    Being nice? define the word --- N.I.C.E...
    Umm now,you should just go to watch your drama, hang out with your goodfs/bestf,eat nice food and STUDY lots for exams! Or, if you srsly have nothing to do, you can always ask me for anything. Il try my best to satisfy your requests!
    God bless us all!

  2. lol, me too (regards to being clueless) thanks so much michelle ._.

  3. Rofl, wahhh phlip...u should serz start a blog! rofl!! thanks man! I m sure ur blog would be darn encouraging too!

    Mj, don't worry.. I m absolutely lost too!! whooHooo!
