Friday, July 17, 2009

It's empty and hollow; a heart so broken

I'm getting lost in the route I'm supposed to take
It's an indescribable feeling
I feel anxious and confused
I'm not sure anymore
I don't want to deal with the things that's happening no more
I got other inner conflicts to deal with

Oh well, life is beautiful as it is
if you look through the other end of the scope, maybe

Life's a wonder
Somehow questioning it doesn't seem to make any difference at all
I faced myself in the mirror
and all I find is simply a core
empty and hollow

I need a direction, onced again
I need to be filled, onced again

1 comment:

  1. ohhhhhhhk, well, if u need a shoulder to lean on, il always be here!! U need to cheer up little gal!! Let's go through VCE first! Promise me you will do well for study!!! Most importantly, you gotta do it for you own!!! Let's do it!!!!
