Anw, I'm happy today =)
or more like, I'm weird...
but whateva it's
I'm Me...
So the things that were troubling me
no longer exist
maybe just for now...
Visit my other blog if you want...
on the left hand corner...
Oh, had spesh Sac today
was bad cos I didn't finish both paper xD
10 marks gone for each...
oh well, it's not life and death
Anw, this post is soo weird and pointless
but hey, all my posts are pointless!
Oh btw, was dragged to HappyCup after Sac
by P n M
anw, had a "good chat" about relationship problems...
but I ended up being such a bad counsellor
fail my job ="(
I've been quite obsessive with psychology things btw
b/c of this Hk drama
about multiple personality disorder and stuff
quite cool but confronting at times...
Anw, the chat made me think about my past relationships
which I'm so glad that I'm still really good friends with them
that I can simply go to them and tell them my problems anytime
I really do wish them happiness with the person they're with now =)
Come to think of it, I'm actually a very crap gf xD
so I feel even more happy they found someone else!
WheeeEee, life's cool
Thats great to hear!!!!!!!! CHEERS!!