Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Each morning, I rmb that you're still here with me

Guess which one is mine?
The better looking one, obviously

Nearly half the term is over
and there're only a few more months before highschool ends
VTAC is opened...but I actually still got no idea what I want to do in the future

For the past few years, I was pretty sure I wanted to be a strong career woman
but now, I simply lost that motivation
or perhaps, I found some other goals (which is of course not evident to me yet)
Sigh, life's sooo funny sometimes
what do I exactly wanna be??

I do wonder what people sees me as
Do they think I'm superficial or shallow?
a selfish stupid bimbo? rofl
I really don't know actually...

I would like to think myself as cheery? easy-going?
a person with principles and character?
Wow, I'm soo confuse now
have you ever been confused with your identity?

I want to be like Romulus, I suppose
Someone with strong character and a genuine humanity...

You know what's the best thing about growing up?
Is that people stop being soo childish and petty
They stop giving you crap
I rmb last time, if you went out with a friend without calling the other one to come
simply ~bitchfights~
but now, no one gives a darn really...

Friends are wonderful creatures, really
I'm sure everyone needs friends
and the importance of friendship cannot be denied

Hahah, anw C n F got this mini book for about friends
and it says

To make a friend, you have to shut one eye
To keep a friend, you have to shut both!

True that though....

I really believe that to make a friend,
you have to ask yourself whether you are worth being a friend to?
I love friends;
everyday, they're the ones who uphold me
strengthen me
and make me smile to each new day

I made new friends this year; but I lost some at the same time
Regardless though, I always rmb that friends have different reasons to stay or leave
Sooo, whatever happens...
don't look back

because a new future awaits in the midst of your confusion and heartbreaks


  1. haha! absolutely like dis one!!!

  2. talk about deep and meaningful lol. u have learnt well my student XD

  3. Thanks dudeSSSsss!
    Mj, since when you were my teacher? 0.o
    more like the OTHA WAY!
