Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's these people that annoys me...

1. I hate it when people question me non-stop

If I try to avoid the question, then get the message
darn straight...I do not want to answer you, isit so hard to understand?
I hate it when I answer the question and you still keep repeating it
If my answer does not satisfy you,
well get over it becos I don't care? or Ask someone else!
Why should my answer always make you satisfied?
I got other better things to do to satisfy Myself
yes, I'm vv self-centred...
self-indulgent is the way

2. I hate it when people do not trust me

Alright, I may not be the most trustworthy person in the world
but when I say it in a serious tone, I mean it
When people don't trust me after I say it like millions time in a serious tone and expression
it simply annoys me;
not becos I'm annoyed at them
but because I'm annoyed at myself for even bothering to try and make them believe me
What's the point if there're no trust?

3. I hate it when people can't take no for an answer

Certain things just don't go your way alright?
There're no point asking and weeping until you get a yes
becos ultimately everyone will end up unhappy...
Just accept the fact that there're other people in this world
who have their own way that they wanna go
so just leave them alone

4. I hate it when people pester me and refuse to give me my space

I'm a free-ranger, thus explains why I'm still single
I like my freedom and my space
If I like clingy people, I would cling on to them alright
but I don't!!
Even bestf and I have our own time away from each other
This is my life and I think I'm perfectly fine with living it alone
I want my own time to do my stuff!!!

5. I hate it when I'm made to be answerable to people

I believe that everything I do on my own; I don't need to be answerable to you
I do what I like and I don't think I need any approval
It's my own life and I only need to be answerable to myself
If you care so much, maybe you should start caring about your ignorance

Wow, I made it to 5 points although there're still alot on my list xD
Anw, got english sac to study for

1 comment:

  1. 9t actually sounds scary to me!! Cuz i think sometime i am the kind of people you hate! really??! lol! Good luck with English Sac tmr!!
